The Joys of Having Children
2008cgb . 2008cgb .

The Joys of Having Children

In our culture today, children are looked on by many as an inconvenience, a money pit, and a burden.  Many individuals put off having children for years because of financial concerns, educational or career pursuits, or simply because they feel they aren’t ready or aren’t interested … Sure, children can be tiring at times, and your free time has a way of dwindling … What’s the upside, one might ask?  The answer to that is immense satisfaction and joy. 

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The Catalyst for Political Division
2008cgb . 2008cgb .

The Catalyst for Political Division

My question is this: How can a professor at supposedly one of the best political science departments in the country not know or understand why someone would have voted for Trump?  Why was this a question that needed academic research? . . . What was true in 2016 remains true in 2024; it is becoming increasingly common that we simply do not understand each other.  It is not just that we disagree; it is that we cannot fathom how or why someone would believe what they believe.

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The Importance of Tradition
2008cgb . 2008cgb .

The Importance of Tradition

Nearly three years ago, my wife and I were on our honeymoon and we had stopped for the day in a small town in the south of France.  It was the Feast of the Epiphany.  We were out for a stroll in the late afternoon when all of a sudden we stumbled upon a huge parade…Most people will likely never know about this annual Epiphany parade in the south of France, and even fewer people will ever be fortunate enough to see it.  However, we can learn a lot from the people of this quaint French town, from the people who continue to carry on the traditions of their long forgotten ancestors.

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Is Being Catholic Illogical?
2008cgb . 2008cgb .

Is Being Catholic Illogical?

Recently, I got into a back and forth discussion on Facebook with a non-denominational Protestant, specifically over the role and status of Mary. This dialogue on Facebook got me wondering whether it is logical to be Catholic.  If an individual woke up tomorrow with no real background or preconceived notions about religion, could that individual come to the conclusion that the Catholic Church is the True Church?  And if so, what would that process of discernment or reasoning look like?

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There Shall Be Neither Birth Nor Death (Part 2/2)
2008cgb . 2008cgb .

There Shall Be Neither Birth Nor Death (Part 2/2)

In the western world today, we, like the people of Delos, have a problem with hubris.  However, we also share Delos’s most pernicious problem that contributed to its downfall: the western world, particularly America, has sought to totally eradicate death and birth.

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There Shall Be Neither Birth Nor Death (Part 1/2)
2008cgb . 2008cgb .

There Shall Be Neither Birth Nor Death (Part 1/2)

Have you ever heard of the island of Delos?  It is a small island in the middle of the Aegean sea about a forty-minute boat ride away from Mykonos, Greece.  Today, nobody lives there, except for a handful of archaeologists – and even they only live there for a short period of time.  However, thousands of years ago, it was one of the most populated and wealthy places on planet earth.

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